Easy Homemade Quinoa Milk

March 4, 2022
Shanika | Orchids + Sweet Tea
Quinoa milk is a healthy dairy-free milk you can make right at home!

Easy Homemade Quinoa Milk

If you haven't tried Quinoa Milk yet, you're in for a treat. This nutty, high-protein plant-based milk is creamy, delicious, and easy to make at home! Here's everything you need to know about how to make quinoa milk.

Glass jar of Quinoa Milk

This Quinoa Milk is a light, silky, milk alternative to add to your list of staples. It's the thing that you never knew you needed and is so easy to whip together and can totally be enjoyed in batches for that morning pick me up!

The world of plant-based milk is constantly expanding. From the classics like cashew milk, soy milk and almond milk, we now have delicious options like oat milk, and even potato and quinoa milk. This newer addition to your vegan milk options has a wonderfully nutty flavor and a thick, creamy texture that even dairy drinkers love. It's also a great way to use leftover cooked quinoa! So if you're looking to switch up your dairy-free milk game, give quinoa milk a try, I think you'll like what you taste!

Overhead shot of cooked quinoa in a measuring cup

Ingredients for Homemade Quinoa Milk

You only need four simple ingredients (plus water) to make quinoa milk:

  • Cooked quinoa. Make sure your grains are cooled before you start making the milk.
  • Agave syrup. Feel free to omit the sweetener or use a different sweetener that you like. I recommend dates, maple syrup, or date syrup. If you're not vegan, honey will also work.
  • Vanilla extract. This adds a nice warm flavor to the milk.
  • Cinnamon. This is optional, but I love the gentle spiced flavor.

Canning jar of quinoa milk

Other Flavoring Options

You can play with the flavors in this recipe if you like! Try adding different spices, such as pumpkin spice blend, nutmeg or cardamom. Change up the sweetener, or add a different extract, such as almond or orange. You could even make a chocolate version by adding cacao powder!

Making Bigger or Smaller Batches

You can easily adjust this recipe to make a large or smaller batch, especially if you won't use all of the milk within two to three days. Simply half or double the ingredients as needed.

Canning jar of quinoa milk

What Kind of Quinoa is Best?

You can use any kind of quinoa to make your milk. It must be cooked beforehand, however. White quinoa will give you a whiter-colored milk, though multi-color grains will give you a stronger nuttier flavor.

Storing Homemade Dairy-Free Milk

Because there are no stabilizers or preservatives in this grain-based milk, I recommend enjoying it within two days. Store the milk in an airtight container in the fridge for up to four days.

Closeup of a canning jar of quinoa milk

How to Use Quinoa Milk

You can use this nutty, healthy milk in any of your favorite dairy-free recipes. It's especially great in coffee and homemade lattes, and even makes a creamy addition to soups without dairy! Try it in my Creamy Roasted Garlic Tortellini Soup.

Here are some of my favorite ways to use quinoa milk:

Canning jar of quinoa milk with a straw

More Plant-Based Milk Recipes


If you make this homemade grain milk, tag @orchidsnsweettea_ on Instagram and hashtag it #orchidsandsweettea

Closeup of a small glass of Quinoa Milk

Closeup of a small glass of Quinoa Milk.

Easy Homemade Quinoa Milk

March 4, 2022
5 from 1 vote
Qunoa milk is a new kind of plant-based milk recipe that' high fiver, high protein and has a nutty, delicious flaovr.
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 15 minutes
Total Time: 25 minutes
Serves: 4 cups



  • 1 cup quinoa, white or multi-colored
  • 2 cups water
  • ½ teaspoon sea salt


  • 4 cups filtered water
  • 1 cup cooked quinoa, cooled
  • 2 Tbsps Agave syrup (See Notes!)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • ¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon



  • Begin by adding the water and salt to a medium saucepan over medium-high heat until it begins to boil. Add in the quinoa, whisking continuously while boiling for 1-2 minutes. Reduce heat to bring to a simmer for 10-15 minutes, whisking every 3-4 minutes until fully cooked through, and water has dried, and the quinoa has thickened and appear "fluffy". Remove from heat and let everything cool entirely.


  • Next, add all ingredients (including cooled cooked quinoa) to a high-powered blender and blend on medium-high speed for about 30-45 SECONDS. **NOTE: Do not over-blend; Adjust sweetness as needed.**
  • Once done, slowly strain (using a cheesecloth) milk into a pitcher, squeezing the quinoa pulp to ensure that all milk is extracted. NOTE: You may have to repeat this process until all quinoa milk has been fully strained by re-pouring milk on top of pulp to extract more milk, if needed.
  • Refrigerate milk (best if tightly sealed/covered) for 3-4 days. Stir before serving.
  • Sip and Enjoy!

Tips & Tricks

  • STORAGE: When properly stored in the refrigerator, leftover milk lasts for 3-4 days, at best. Usually, I like to consume my batch within the first 1-2 days.
  • SERVING: To make less milk, cut ingredient measurements in half. To make more, simply double or triple the measurement of ingredients, depending on your desired amount. 
  • SWEETENER: If you don't want to use Agave, simply substitute with one of the following: dates, pure maple syrup, or date syrup, instead if preferred.
  • USES: Quinoa milk's creamy consistency makes it perfect in lattes, cappuccinos, smoothies, creamy soups, and baked goods. Can also be used as regular milk for cereal, etc.
  • STORAGE (QUINOA): Any leftovers can be kept in a tightly sealed container and refrigerated for up to 3-4 days.


Calories: 91kcal | Carbohydrates: 18g | Protein: 2g | Fat: 1g | Saturated Fat: 0.1g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 0.5g | Monounsaturated Fat: 0.2g | Sodium: 312mg | Potassium: 82mg | Fiber: 1g | Sugar: 8g | Vitamin A: 3IU | Vitamin C: 2mg | Calcium: 20mg | Iron: 1mg


Tag @orchidsnsweettea_ on Instagram and hashtag it #orchidsandsweettea

Quinoa Milk.


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